Monday, April 28, 2008


I was just in six countries in five days. Guys, seriously, you do not understand what this schedule is like and how difficult it is to ever get the calling cards to work in these crazy remote countries and how group mentality, drive and schedules make it impossible to ever get to an Internet for quality time. And on this keyboard, the z is where the y should be. Zes, please forgive the tzpos.

Last night we played Rebellion Punkfest in Vienna. I played on an elevated indoor stage with a divider and rows of people and lights and a crew and photographers and . . . it was a real rock show, and I was in it. And like usual, im frustrated because blogging about this does absolutely nothing, because 1. im exhausted 2. im starving 3. im limited by this crazy czech keyboard and 4. i have 5 minutes left on this kiosk. So lets at least give a quick recap of today . . .

1. It took forever to get from the hotel in Vienna to Prague, because our driver is incompetent. Today was his last day because we fired him yesterday and did the trade in this city, but he still kept us captive as he got us lost and made a 4 hour driver into 8. Beautiful pictures of remote Austrian and Czech landscapes though.

2. I wore a skirt today because I wanted to wander around Vienna in a skirt, but we left to early for anyone to see it. Did I shave my legs for this . . .

3. Did I mention Im flat broke and its scary . . . and I cant find the question mark on this keyboard . . . thats frustrating

4. It took forever to figure ourselves out here because the money is Kronin like in Croatia.

5. Gotta post because I have 45 secs left to finish this

6. Please please please comment I mean it

7. Osnabruck, Germany tomorrow. No show today, it was technically our day off but we wasted it in the van.



Unknown said...

holy shit. melissa in a skirt?

and i love how your ordered-list format only heightens the sense of frenzy. nice.

sorry to hear about your czech former-driver who used to be cute but is now incompetent. strange how that seems to happen. but terrible that it had to directly affect your tour situation.

most importantly: dude, keep at it. you'll make it through, because you can, and you will because you can. (no, that is not a circular argument). don't worry about the time/money you don't have. you'll have enough to do what you need to, and that is more than most people know what to do with.


tidbit: my verification word thingy you have to type in is "kqivkgxw," which i managed to read as rekjavik. probably because it occurred to me today that i really want to visit iceland. my mind is so creepily tricky.

Dima said...

Hey Melissa,
I hope you happy with new driver. I still dont know why you tell untruth about me. I havent problem with exchange behind another driver. I still dont understend, why is this situation so dramatic. I know, my english is really bad, maybe is this problem??!! Why you all time told like...Dima we love you...Dima you so cute and blablabla. But never mind, I still love you Melissa. And I still love your voice!

Dima (ex-driver)